Based on the Works of Arthur Machen
What is the Hill of Dreams?
The Hill of Dreams is the public title for an artistic project to create a short film and photographic series inspired by the works of Arthur Machen, symbolist art, Greek and Pagan mythology, esotericism and medieval Christian eschatology. (Specifically the Augesburg Book of Miracles and other artistic representations of the Book of Revelations).
This is a passion project. An exultation of woman as witch, doorway to worlds both infernal and sublime, and point of origin for ungovernable creative and destructive forces.
This is an entirely self-funded project. In order to make it happen I am selling my work, some of my equipment,
and am seeking crowdsourcing support from:
Actors and dancers
Costuming and set design
Costume and prop loans
Art support and sound samples/music
Please check the Help section below
Background to the Project
Welsh horror and fantasy author Arthur Machen (3 March 1863 – 15 December 1947) drew on mysticism, gothic horror, mythology and relationships with bohemian occultists like A.E Waite to craft masterful stories, some of which were so convincing that they were later reported in the press as fact. His work went on to profoundly influence later writers like HP Lovecraft and Stephan King,
A central theme, even more-so than Lovecraft, was a simultaneous fascination with and repulsion by sexuality and a fear of women. In his writings, women featured as gateways to ecstasy, corruption, horror, and witchcraft.
To Machen, conservative, masculinity-affirming societal structures and expectations of passivity forced on women were the only forces that might hold any hope of survival against the dark and unrestrained forces of nature. Male protaganists put a cap on the horror, often with dead or damaged women in their wake, left maimed by exposure to forces they could not contain or pawns in the pursuit of occult knowledge by male guardians and husbands.
Taking that as a starting point, it seems only fair to confront a man terrified of women and sexuality with what he fears the most.
“ Such forces cannot be named, cannot be spoken, cannot be imagined except under a veil and a symbol, a symbol to the most of us appearing a quaint, poetic fancy, to some a foolish tale. But you and I, at all events, have known something of the terror that may dwell in the secret place of life, manifested under human flesh; that which is without form taking to itself a form.”
The Film
An act of violence against a young woman in the course of an occult experiment leads to unexpected and dangerous consequences.
Filming is planned to begin in Ireland and Scotland this year. The estimated length is between 30 and 45 minutes. Online mentoring by an experienced commercial filmmaker has been obtained for this project. The script, art design and storyboarding is roughly 50% completed.
The film will be shot and edited by myself, with plans for an open-access free distribution over the internet. It is intended to complete principle shooting over a two week period.
The film will utilise infrared cinematography and old-school practical special effects such as cloud tanks, in-camera effects and lighting rather than CGI. It is essentially a horror film, with anti-patriarchy and anti-misogyny themes, plus nudity, violence, and references to alchemy and esotericism. It could be read as equally critical of organized religion, science, and the occult. It’s kind of like a mashup between The Devil Rides Out, A Dark Song, and The Witch
The Stills
In parallel to the film several of the scenes have been designed with prints and portraiture in mind. In the event that prints go into a production run and sell, any residual profit will be shared with the models in the shot, either in monetary form or other mutually agreed upon fashion (such as a gift, a print, or some other suitable compensation).
How you can Help
As the project is an unfunded ultra-micro-budget short film, I am unfortunately not in a position to pay any participants a salary. Small amounts of money towards incurred expenses or specialist skills are possible, but please keep in mind budget is very limited. Trade of skills and services is possible - please contact me or comment below.
Crowdsourcing skills and roles are very much welcome and really necessary if this project is to have any chance of success.
Help is needed in the following roles:
Actors and Actresses - ideally Dublin based or in Northern/Southern Ireland. Casting details will follow. There are several non-speaking roles and one or two where dialogue is necessary. Backup filming in Scotland may occur for some scenes.
Crew - Sound person, lighting assistant, observer, security and location scouting, costuming and makeup. Minimal experience and willingness to learn is welcome.
Art department and costuming - ideally Irish or UK based, but open to EU - art design requires a few pre-made props, textiles, and stencils.
Costume and prop loan - brief loans of appropriate Victorian-looking clothing and certain props (list to follow) would be very much appreciated.
Sound and music - volunteers with musical or vocal skills (especially Gaelic or Welsh speaking female singers and people who play unusual instruments) who might contribute some music and/or high quality sounds samples for special effects.
For one scene a horse/horse drawn carriage and an actress capable of riding would be extremely useful.
Please share this information and get in touch if you would like to help support this project. It is a dream born from madness, but madness is better when shared with friends.